Making a KiVa School Action Plan
Staff returning from the two-day training should hold discussions with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to make a full school action plan of activities to be undertaken, both before the end of the summer term and prior to the school launch in September. The discussion should consider all planning and logistical issues before the launches and in-house training so that questions from the staff can be confidently answered.
KiVa Coordinator (universal actions: curriculum, launches, vests, and posters)
Who will be the KiVa coordinator for the school? Ideally one of the people who attended the two-day training. Possibly the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Member of SLT, PS(H)E coordinator, Head of KS2, etc. The KiVa Coordinator role involves coordinating all the universal actions in the school. The universal action coordination includes holding a meeting for all school staff before the end of the summer term to introduce KiVa, training KS2 staff to deliver the lessons, ensuring that they have all lesson resources before the end of the summer term, monitoring of lesson delivery throughout the academic year, ensuring that the break time tabards/vests are accessible and being worn by staff on break duty, organising where vests will be stored so that they are easy for staff to collect on the way to the playground, etc.), organising and supporting launches in the school to staff before the end of the summer term, preparing the launch for parents, and pupils for the start of the academic year, and contacting the local KiVa Trainer if assistance is required with the implementation of KiVa.
KiVa Team and KiVa Team Lead (indicated actions: for dealing with confirmed bullying incidents)
Who will be the KiVa Team Lead for the school? Ideally one of the people who attended the two-day training. The KiVa Team Lead role involves managing the KiVa team, generally three staff although possibly two in a very small school, or four in a larger school, who deal with the indicated actions and highlighted cases of bullying. The KiVa Team Lead will ensure that there are regular KiVa Team meetings and ensure that all paperwork and follow-up meetings are completed. Consider where will the screening forms will be kept? Who will have access to the screening forms? Ensure, as part of the whole school introduction, that all school staff have been made aware that they have the responsibility to complete them. Where will the completed incident forms be kept? Who will have access to them? Will they be online or in paper format? When and how often will the KiVa team meet each other to discuss cases? How will they communicate and share information?
The online anonymous KiVa pupil survey is completed by KS2 pupils annually. The initial survey is administered prior to the launch of KiVa during the summer term (June/July). The logistics of the pupil online survey should be planned with respect to access to computers, timing, who will administer the survey, and when the survey training will take place. Schools will receive the anonymous KiVa survey data showing what proportion of pupils report bullying and/or victimisation at the end of September each year. A decision is needed on whether/how parents will be informed about the administration of the KiVa survey. As the KiVa programme is part of the school curriculum, informing parents and gaining parent permission for the KiVa survey is not required, however, some schools may opt to inform parents.
School in-house launches and training
Survey training
The member of staff (teacher or teaching assistant) identified to oversee the survey administration will be trained by the KiVa Coordinator. A printable version of the survey and administration instructions are available online on the school KiVa OneDrive. Please conduct a role-play practice of survey. The length of training for this task is 30 minutes. The KiVa Coordinator should discuss the plan and logistics of the survey administration with the survey administrator. Remember that there are two surveys Unit 1 and Unit 2, so print out both copies. The online survey will direct the pupil to the correct version when they enter their year group.
Initial staff meeting
All school staff should be present at the initial information-giving meeting at which they are informed of the school’s decision to become a KiVa school. This meeting should include all teachers, teaching assistants, caretakers, mid-day supervisors, etc. (ideally also school transport staff should be informed too). A PowerPoint is available online in the KiVa resources (KiVa website) and is in the school KiVa OneDrive file. The PowerPoint can be adapted and personalised to the school (to include images of KiVa Team, information on where screening forms will be kept, etc.). The training should include information on the definition of bullying, a quick summary of research on the KiVa programme, whole school actions (vests, posters and assemblies), and an explanation of the KiVa process for dealing with confirmed bullying cases that will apply across the school (only a basic flow chart explanation is necessary). Time for questions should also be provided. This meeting should take approximately 15 minutes.
Key Stage 2 staff curriculum training
Key Stage 2 teaching staff (and teaching assistants if supporting lessons and any Key Stage 1 teachers that are interested) should attend an in-house training with the KiVa Coordinator. This training should introduce the KiVa curriculum with demonstrations and role-plays of lessons, access to the online resources, games, the parent electronic handbook, etc.
It also introduces the indicated action flow chart (only the flow of procedure needs to be understood, and the approach that the school is expected to take, non-confrontational or confrontational). Information is provided on how to complete screening forms (criteria, etc.), and the teacher’s role in gaining support for the victim (this can be role played).
The staff training should also cover the parent and pupil launches and how the school will maintain momentum. This can be completed as an activity with the staff to create ideas that will fit with in the school.
KiVa Team training
The KiVa Team training will be conducted by the KiVa Team Lead or the KiVa Coordinator if the KiVa Team Lead has not attended the training. The training will include the flow of the procedures, the forms, approaches (and school preferred approach), scripts (with plenty of role-play), where forms will be stored after completion, how the team will communicate and share information, etc.
Parent launch
The school needs to ensure that parents are made aware of the KiVa programme. There is a parent introductory KiVa flyer and electronic parent guide handbook available online. These are also available on the school KiVa OneDrive. Schools can invite parents to view the introductory PowerPoint, as a special event or this can be completed during other school activities (parents’ evening, school shows, class assemblies, etc.).
Pupil launch
The KiVa Coordinator needs to plan the introduction of KiVa to the whole school.
Please use the table here KiVa_School Action Plan Table to aid with your school planning.