
CEIT and CEBEI Professor gives keynote speech at BABCP 50th Anniversary conference, Cardiff

udy’s presentation focused on parenting and its history and how her own and colleagues work had developed the field over the 50 years. A key issue for dissemination of parenting programmes is how to get them to be delivered effectively in frontline, coalface, services. We know what the relevant content is but still have a lot to learn about how to deliver effective services and what is needed by families and in what sort of circumstances.

CEIT Professor attends the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) conference 2023

CEIT Professor Judy Hutchings spoke at this conference in Edinburgh hosted by ISPCAN. The quality of parenting program implementation significantly affects the extent to which a program is delivered effectively and becomes embedded in everyday services. The Parenting for Lifelong Health for Young Children (PLH-YC) parenting program was developed specifically for implementation in low- and middle-income contexts, tested in 5 randomised trials, and adapted for use in Montenegro.